Get your EU Taxonomy report done
Easier, automated and cost-efficient reporting. Subscribe until September 1st to get unlimited consulting hours.
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Why Should You Choose Evercity?
Easy to use
Work on report jointly with your colleagues without prior knowledge about EU Taxonomy
  • Joint work on screening with team members from multiple departments
  • Extensive knowledge base, glossary and document references
  • Constant support through live chat
Save time on data collection, structuring and analysis
  • Automatic calculation of EU Taxonomy eligibility and alignment
  • Physical climate risk assessment based on global warming scenarios
  • Generation of reports fully compliant with EU requirements
Beyond compliance
Use your data for green fundraising, marketing and net zero transition
  • Eligibility screening for green bond issuance
  • Additional data for green marketing
  • Analytics and visuals for net zero transition
  • Integration with corporate data systems
  • Secure cloud or on-prem deployment
  • Integration of external data sources to collect various environmental data
Evercity consulting
  • In-depth analysis of your company accounting and reporting system
  • Recommendations for changes that are needed to collect relevant data for EU Taxonomy screening
  • Technical integration between your corporate systems and Evercity platform
  • Consulting of your ESG team on any challenges in the screening process
  • Access to Evercity’s network of 5000+ partners from climate & tech industries
We will adjust our tool and add any necessary features to meet your specific needs
We not only provide you with a tech tool, but help to create a sustainable system for end-to-end automation of your EU Taxonomy reporting
Speak to one of our experts
  • Massamba Thioye
    Project Executive UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub at UN Climate Change Secretariat
    The development and implementation of a methodological framework requires a digital platform, with the combination of IoT, DLT, digital methodologies, AI and smart contracts for the management of the data value chain. The work Evercity is doing can be very much relevant to the UNFCCC secretariat work.
  • Pierre Telep
    Senior Climate Finance Specialist, African Development Bank Group
    There are various opportunities to apply decentralized ledgers and create value while addressing the needs of climate change, Alexey has a deep technical understanding of blockchain businesses.
  • Theresa Carbonneau
    Managing Partner at Global Carbon Fund, Vancouver
    The Evercity platform is an ingenious application of technologies to support investment and sustainable development goals. We certainly intend to make use of the platform for our own portfolio management and would highly recommend it to those seeking accurate impact measurement for their investments.
  • Gonzaque Flutsch
    Innovation Manager at EDF
    The Evercity platform is being developed by a professional, highly skilled and dynamic team of young enthusiasts committed to fighting climate change with high end innovative solutions and international cooperation.
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Frequently asked questions
About EU Taxonomy
EU Taxonomy is a classification system that defines which economic activities can be considered sustainable, and under what conditions. Its main goal is to help companies and investors make decisions that would lead to low-carbon transition and sustainable growth. 

According to EU legislation, starting from 2022 some entities have to publish yearly reports on EU Taxonomy eligibility and alignment.
About the tool
Evercity provides a SaaS tool which automates EU Taxonomy screening for corporations, SMEs, banks and asset managers, generates detailed analytics and compliance reports in pdf and excel formats. It can also be used together with other Evercity tools related to portfolio management, digital assets issuance and monitoring & reporting.
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    Evercity UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    Neumannstraße 135
    13189 Berlin, Germany

    Leading the Way with EU Taxonomy Regulation Updates

    Hey there! We have some exciting news to share with you. The European Union (EU) has introduced an updated version of its Taxonomy Regulation this summer and Evercity didn't waste any time, so we are proud to announce that we have already incorporated them in our EU Taxonomy screening tool.

    What is the EU Taxonomy Regulation?

    For those who are new to the concept, the EU Taxonomy Regulation is a framework that classifies economic activities based on their sustainability performance. It sets clear standards for what can be considered environmentally sustainable, helping investors and businesses make informed decisions aligned with the EU's sustainability goals.

    As part of the European Green Deal, the EU Taxonomy Regulation aims to make Europe the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. By setting clear sustainability standards, the EU promotes green investments, drives innovation, and accelerates the transition to a low-carbon economy.

    EU Taxonomy is closely related to the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and other regulations and standards. These include the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), which will be replaced by CSRD as of fiscal year 2023, the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR), the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD), and the EU Green Bond Standard.

    What's new?

    On June 13, 2023, the European Commission (EC) made significant strides towards promoting sustainability by publishing several crucial documents. These include:

    • The Environmental Delegated Act: This act outlines the technical screening criteria for the four additional environmental objectives of the Taxonomy Regulation. These objectives encompass the sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, the transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention and control, and the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.

    • Changes to the Disclosures Delegated Act: The Environmental Delegated Act also incorporates amendments to the Disclosures Delegated Act, which involve updates to the mandatory reporting templates. These changes ensure that companies accurately and comprehensively disclose their environmental impact.

    • Amendments to the Climate Delegated Act: The Climate Delegated Act has also been revised to include modifications and new activities related to the climate-related environmental objectives of climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. These amendments strengthen the EC's commitment to combating climate change and fostering sustainability.

    The updated EU Taxonomy Regulation now covers a broader range of economic activities, including Disaster risk management, Services, and Accommodation activities.

    How does it impact businesses and investors?

    By providing clear guidelines on sustainable activities, it allows companies to showcase their commitment to environmental and social responsibility. This can enhance their reputation, attract investors, and open up new opportunities for growth.

    For investors, the EU Taxonomy serves as a valuable tool for assessing the sustainability performance of potential investment targets. It enables them to identify companies that align with their values and contribute to a more sustainable future.

    The SFDR and the Taxonomy Regulation are closely connected. As a result, investments in economic activities that align with the Taxonomy can be automatically classified as “sustainable investments”.

    How does Evercity's EU Taxonomy screening tool make a difference?

    Evercity has always been at the forefront of sustainable finance, and our commitment to driving positive change is evident with the integration of the updated EU Taxonomy Regulation into Evercity green screening tool. By doing so, Evercity platform empowers its users to easily screen and identify activities that meet the highest sustainability standards, and help businesses to report in a more efficient way.

    With this seamless integration, Evercity's EU Taxonomy screening tool provides companies with an unparalleled resource for evaluating the sustainability performance of their activities. This tool equips companies with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the complex landscape of regulation.

    Additionally, Evercity's EU Taxonomy screening tool streamlines the investment evaluation process, saving investors valuable time and resources. Leveraging the power of data and advanced analytics, the screening tool empowers investors to make informed decisions, facilitating the transition towards a more sustainable economy.

    We believe that technology is power, and by automation we can empower more investors and businesses to make screening and reporting process more efficient!